Thursday, July 30, 2015

5 Ways to Write Magnetic Call-to-Actions in Just 5 Minutes

As a business owner, you’re constantly striving to stay on the same page with prospects and clients.

But does your message actually have a compelling substance, or are you just telling beautiful stories that keep your readers entertained for a short while?

Small Business Trends indicates that 70% of most B2B websites lack a call to action. This rookie mistake is automatically affecting that website’s relationship with clients and ultimately, their competitiveness and profit margins.

To consolidate your position on any market, interact with clients the easy way and make them act in a certain manner, you have to upgrade your copy using the right calls to action, designed to convince your readers to do something (besides reading and bouncing off your page).

Maybe you want them to request a quote, download an eBook, give you a call or contact your staff members via email. Either way, to achieve your goal you have to master the art of writing killer, super effective calls to action.

Here’s how you can do that in about five minutes or so.

5 Aspects to Focus On When Crafting Sensational Calls to Action

The copy that you create for your CTAs is an extremely important element that influences the actions of your readers just as much as other key factors, such as the color, size and shape of the CTA button.

Under these circumstances, you are probably wondering how you could polish your copy and come up with the most impactful words to seduce the minds of your prospects and get them in your door.

The good news is that you can count on a great variety of templates that have already returned positive results in any given set of circumstances. But before taking a closer look at key formulas that have already been tested, approved and used by skilled content creators, let’s focus on the main aspects that influence the quality and effectiveness of CTAs.

1. Goals

First of all, what kind of actions are you trying to stimulate? Craft your message based on the objectives that you want to reach. For instance, a download now button is the right choice for lead generation, while a “send me info” is more suitable for business relationship building.

2. A Short String of Action-Oriented Words

Did you know that even the smallest changes in terms of copy can trigger major impact on your conversion rates? From this point of view, it’s always best to choose your words wisely and stick to a formula that has already proven to be effective.

Here’s a strange fact that may make you spend a little more time working on your CTAs: sometimes, you can boost your conversions by simply changing one of the words comprised by your calls to action. A case study mentioned by Unbounce indicates that a B2B website owner has reported a 38.26% increase in conversions after replacing just one action verb with another.



So what does this example actually tell us, aside from the fact that one single word can influence the actions of your prospects in a considerable manner?

This case study reveals that small tweaks can return amazing results, as long as they are focused on ways to add value to your copy. In this particular situation, the term “order” refers to the course of action that the prospect should take, and doesn’t actually highlight the benefit that the user would experience after doing what’s expected of him. On the other hand, the term “get” is more focused on the advantages, rewards and satisfaction that a potential client will automatically profit from after responding to a certain CTA.

All in all, a combination of value and relevance is the winning formula enabling you to take your CTAs to a whole new level and boost their effectiveness.

So now what? Start by revisiting your old calls-to-action positioned on your landing pages. Replace generic orders like “Buy Now”, “Download Now”, which emphasize the action that you want your readers to take, with personalized copy that stresses out the perks that your audience can actually get from you after following your lead.

For example, instead of just writing “Buy Now”, create a button with a message reading “Add to Cart- Save 50% Today”. The latter option is much more personalized and specific than the first one. Always remember that your readers dislike overly generic messages and want you to talk to them like you’ve known each other for decades. Therefore, don’t hesitate to replace a low-impact, concise message like “Submit”, “Call Us” or “Download” with a more meaningful construction that commands attention and also stimulates your reader to take action by focusing on benefits.

Begin your sentences with verbs and subjects to help people grasp the meaning of your CTA at a first glance. According to an article published by Hubspot, you should include numbers to keep your message straightforward and clear. Avoid fluff that could bore and distract your readers.

3. Original Food for Thought Delivered in an Interesting Package

Create a bond with your visitors by using pronouns such as “me” and “you” and focus on the needs of your potential clients. Use the right visuals to support your message and go for a tasteful mix of contrasting colors to capture your visitors’ attention.

4. Size

Keep your message short and clean. Studies have shown that some of the best calls-to-action are under 150 characters. Think about it this way: a CTA like “Buy Now” will most likely convince you that brevity is not the best card that you could play while trying to seduce your readers. At the same time, you have to keep your CTA short and sweet to help your public respond. In addition, the size of your CTA buttons is also important. A too-small version won’t command attention, while a supersized one will make you seem desperate.

Here’s why we like Sprouter’s CTA button: it’s visible, but it doesn’t overshadow the clear message that the company is conveying. It includes the right amount of information and doesn’t rely on a heavy mix of graphics that usually constitutes an eyesore.



5. Tone and Flow

Use action-oriented words that imply thought leadership and expertise. However, avoid technical jargon that may confuse or deter your readers. Stress out the benefits of your offer in as few words as possible.

In an article presenting the main ways in which bad copywriting can kill and bury your product, UserTesting reveals just how important it is to speak the language of your readers. Write copy that your visitors can understand and relate to. If possible, avoid industry-specific terms that are difficult to comprehend and humanize your content by using everyday words and adopting a conversational tone.

5 Foolproof CTA Formulas to Easily Replicate (Promise—It Just Takes 5 Minutes or Less)

Next, let’s take a closer look at five insanely effective templates that you can personalize and use to convince your readers to act in a certain manner (download an eBook, subscribe to your newsletter, buy your product, etc).

1. Free […] Case Study/eBook/whitepaper.

The easiest way to convince people to get to know you and your product is to offer them something for free. Opt for a verb that will accentuate the reward, like “get” for example, to maximize the effectiveness of your CTA.

2. Tired of [a Mediocre Job, Ineffective Diets and any other Factor Causing Frustration]?

Another trick is to address the problems, limitations and stressors that could stop your readers from achieving success. Example: Sick of dieting plans that never work? Download my free eBook and find out how you could get the perfect beach body in 3 months. Explore your readers’ pain point and introduce your product as the best solution to their struggle/problem/concern.

3. Want/Need […] Get Our Insanely Effective/Free/Sensational [Product].

Follow a similar principle and ask questions revolving around the needs, cravings and requests of your audience.

“Need the coolest personalized T-shirt on the planet? Find it in our store!” Use verbs that gravitate around your readers’ goals, plans and objects of desire. This is a psychological technique that will help you raise the interest of your visitors.

4. See Why [an Influencer] Is Recommending/Using Our Product.

By relying on the influence of a thought leader who is recommending your product in a few words, you can build credibility and trust.

Research conducted by Nielsen and cited by Forbes reveals that today’s consumers are up to 5 times more dependent on copy than five years ago. At the same time, we have to acknowledge the fact that the information pool that they swim in is incredibly large; therefore, each brand should try to boost its competitive advantage by creating and maintaining a close relationship with an industry influencer.

A CTA reading something like See Why Jamie Oliver Is Deeply in Love with Our Pots and Pans works well for two reasons: it makes people curious (and thus, more inclined to subscribe or download something that you are offering for free) and it enables you to build authority and credibility. By the time you finish reading that CTA, you can actually hear your prospects thinking out loud. “Wow, Jamie is recommending these kitchen supplies. They must be awesome, I should find out more about them.”

5. CTAs based on client testimonials

Last but definitely not least, don’t forget that your satisfied clients are the most convincing brand ambassadors that you could ever meet and work with. Trust us when we say that you can’t go wrong with a short CTA built around the positive buying experience of one of your past customers.

“It’s the very best support system that I have ever used to grow my business”
See for yourself. Profit from our 14-day free trial.

Attract, Tempt, Nurture and Convert Your Audience with Compelling CTAs

Crafting effective calls to action shouldn’t be a challenge. Using the templates listed above, you can personalize your message and make it reflect the unique features and benefits of your brand and products.

At the end of the day, you just have to write compelling copy based on the most relevant keywords, design buttons based on contrasting colors, and weigh, prioritize and place your CTAs on your website. If you can’t find the right words, tools or tactics to get your prospects to take action, choose to rely on the talent and know-how of professional copywriters who can help you create premium content that actually converts.

About the Author: Julia McCoy is a self-taught copywriter and Internet marketer who founded Express Writers at 19 years old. Today, it’s a full-size copywriting team providing agencies and businesses of all sizes with high quality content. Subscribe to her blog to learn insider tips and news on blogging, web content and all things copywriting.

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